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Academy at Double H Ranch

A Place for Hope and Healing

Give all diligence, add to your faith, virtue; and to virtue, knowledge;  2 Peter 1:5

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About Us

The Academy at Double H Ranch is a non-profit, Christian K-12, private school focused on serving low-income and at-risk children, located near Jasper Georgia. The Academy provides independent studies in a classroom setting utilizing Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum. The Academy has certified teachers, tutors, and an equine therapist.

Our founder, Rebecca Hampton, shares our mission in an interview with Atlanta Live. Click the link below.

Atlanta Live (06/04/24) Saving Souls & Changing Lives: The Cowboy Church in Jerusalem GA

NOTE: The interview will begin at 5:12 into the video.

Get Involved

Throughout the year, individuals and groups sponsor the students and participate in activities and events.

Volunteer for any number of roles or events at the Academy.  Always have projects that need help.


Your donations support and provide much needed resources, supplies, and food for the Academy.

The Academy at Double H Ranch horse and beloved red roof barn

The Academy at Double H Ranch

A Place for Hope and Healing

Our school relies entirely on donations from individuals, grants and organizations, in order to provide a Christian education to low-income families and at-risk children in our community.


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the cowboy kids at the ranch


Jasper, Georgia

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